How Much Do You Enjoy Traveling? For A Third Of People It’s More Important Than Sex

They say that travel sharpens the mind, and gives us insight into cultures and opportunities. It allows us to see things in person that we might not otherwise believe exist. Put simply, travel is a good thing – it broadens the mind in so many ways. However, with COVID-19, most of us have gotten used to traveling to the store, to work, and to back home. If you are like many travellers, you might be willing to give up almost anything to get back on the road and seeing the world once again. But how bad do you really want to travel? According to a recent study, some 38% of those asked say they would give up sex to travel again.

A study taking place in America found that the vast majority of people are very keen to travel again. When asked what they would give up to get traveling once again, one of the queries was simple: would you give up sex for a year to go around and see the world freely again? 38% of those asked said yes!

That’s an incredible mark of just how many of us are desperate to get out from our own houses once again and see the world. However, even more interestingly was that some 25% said they would give up their life savings to go travelling again. Given how many of us have suffered financially during the pandemic, that’s quite the statement.

So, if you wonder just how eager the world is to get back to normal and resume the kind of activities that we once enjoyed so much, this should give you all of the information that you need to understand the severity of the situation.

The Strength Of The Study

However, please note that this study only took in the results of 2,000 adults from the United States and United Kingdom respectively. So, it’s hardly a global census of how people feel. From that survey, though, the answers were pretty revealing on just how much people would give up just so they can get out on the road and see the world once again.

The survey showed the lengths that people will go to so they can go traveling again and simply see the world at their own pace. Many of us get away for maybe one holiday per year, perhaps two, or more likely one holiday every two years. Having that taken away from us has made us realise just how familiar day to day life has become, though. For most of us, having the opportunity to escape and see the world through our own lens is something that we might so much.

Now, as the survey states, some of us are willing to give up something else we’ve had to forego for much of the last year. It’s a tough thing to get right, of course, balancing a return to normality with keeping COVID-19 in check. For some, though, the wait for a trip has been so much they’d give up anything – even the most carnal of pleasures!