The Craziest Natural Phenomena You’ve Never Heard About

Some of the most interesting things about our world are so obscure that some of them have never been documented. These natural phenomena can be just as fascinating and beautiful as anything else, but because they’re not common knowledge, you may only see them once in a lifetime or never at all. With that said, these this blog post will show you 50 of the coolest and most unbelievable phenomena Mother Nature has to offer.

Zhangye Landform Geological Park

The rocks found at Zhangye Landform Geological Park have unique and mesmerizing colors. This happens due to erosion of red sediment. The colors are so amazing because the rocks have been created by compaction of minerals in different layers. The erosion is due to wind and water which has resulted in these beautiful patterns here. Water also plays a role here with rain creating gullies between rock formations which allow mudslides to occur during periods where significant rainfall comes down on this dry surface.

Volcanic Lightning

Volcanic lightning is a rare natural phenomenon that occurs when rocks are ejected from an active volcano, which causes electrically-charged particles to be thrown into the air. These charged particles collide with other airborne particles and form flashes of light in different colors. Volcanic thunderstorms usually only occur during large eruptions or at high elevations where there’s little precipitation, but it can still be seen for up to several miles away.

Lake Hillier

Lake Hillier is a lake with an unusual pink color. Scientists have no idea why the water has this amazing color and it remains unknown. You can swim in the lake but due to its high salinity you shouldn’t drink from the lake. It’s located in Australia and is a huge tourist attraction. There are many theories why it appears pink such as volcanic activity or algal blooms but none have been proven yet.

Russian Light Pillars

The Russian Light Pillars are one of the most unique natural phenomena. Scientist have been studying them for years. They occur over land and bodies of water where the light reflects from ice crystals. They look like rainbow pillars. The Russian Light Pillars are one of those rare phenomena that not many people know about, but seeing them first-hand is worth it.

Calcifying Lakes

The Calcifying Lake is a very interesting phenomena that occurs due to the calcium carbonate being deposited in the water of these lakes, which occur on volcanic craters. This causes for some incredible sights as well since this lake deposits around two hundred tons each year. While it doesn’t cause any harm there are still other reasons why this isn’t an ideal location to visit if you’re looking into seeing some natural wonders because of how remote they are located and also because eruptions have been known to take place from time-to-time so parts can get covered with fresh lava or rocks during those times. Since there aren’t many people who actually go out here then chances are high that most will never see amazing sites first hand but getting a glimpse of these lakes from a few photos like the one above is better than never getting to see it at all.

Fire Whirls

One spectacular yet mysterious phenomenon is fire whirls which occur when strong winds begin swirling around pockets of heat causing it to rise up from one location like a fire and smoke tornado. These fire whirls may form for a short period of time but they can cause long lasting damage to the surroundings. They can be very dangerous and may cause a lot of destruction.

Blood Falls

One more phenomenal natural phenomena can be found in the Antarctic region. Blood Falls is a unique phenomenon that occurs during summer months, where iron-rich brine seeps from cracks in the glacier and slowly flows down through the ice to reach the Lake below. It’s believed that these falls have been running for over 5000 years because this process has been going on long enough to build up layers upon layers of red silt as it reaches its final destination forming a striking blood red waterfall.

Glowing Ocean

One more phenomenal natural phenomena can be found at the bottom of our oceans. The glowing ocean is a beautiful sight where organisms produce their own light through chemical reactions mainly the bioluminescent phytoplankton. This phenomenon has been known to occur in all types of marine environments, which includes habitats like estuaries and coral reefs. Scientists believe this process occurs due to special compounds within these organisms’ cells called luciferin that have an affinity for oxygen while also being catalyzed by other cofactors such as magnesium or calcium ions. These reactions emit brilliant flashes of blue-green light when they’re initiated by stimuli from either sunlight or passing prey since many deep sea creatures rely on bioluminescence for hunting purposes.

Lake Maracaibo

Lake Maracaibo is known as the lightning capital of the world. There are a lot of frequent storms and lightning in the region. One of the main reasons for the excessive lightning is that the charges produced by the gases in the air interact with one another and create a buildup which causes them to discharge. This amazing natural phenomena can be seen around 300 days of the year.

Finish Lapland

Finish Lapland is another amazing natural phenomenon. It snows a lot in Finland and the trees get completely covered by the snow in such a way that it looks like they are covered with Fungus. This wonder of nature is situated in the northern parts of Finland and it takes place between mid-October to early May. It’s a great time for hikers because there are lots of stunning trails that can be explored while admiring this amazing sight.

Clonal Tree Groves

Clonal tree groves are an incredible natural phenomena that occur when one plant gives rise to multiple trees connected by a shared root system. The most common example of this is the Pando aspen, which is believed to be nearly 80,000 years old and covers acres of land. It’s thought that these types of structures can live for thousands upon thousands of years because they’re capable of growing upwards through increased stem production but also downward with adventitious rooting along their stems. This makes it possible for them to survive fires or other events like strong winds or snowfall even though older portions may die off and need new growth in order to remain standing.

A Starling Murmuration

One more phenomenal natural phenomena can be found in the European skies during autumn and winter months. Starling murmurations are a spectacular sight where thousands of starlings flock together to form beautifully intricate shapes with their bodies. These formations have been known to last for hours at a time, which is why they’ve inspired many artists over the years who wish to capture this incredible phenomenon on paper or canvas. Scientists believe these flocks serve an important purpose because it helps protect them against predators like hawks through sheer numbers while also allowing them access to food sources that may not exist elsewhere since so many birds would attract insects from faraway places.

Linear Clouds in Burketown Australia

These types of clouds are also known as roll clouds and they’re a rare type of cloud formation that’s only been spotted in certain areas around the world. These amazing natural phenomena occur when wind shear triggers horizontal eddies which act like waves to form clouds with very distinct characteristics instead. They can be seen all throughout Australia but these particular ones in burketown Queensland happen between March and August, making them the perfect time since the winter season is when nacreous or polar stratospheric clouds usually peak through at high altitudes where it’s colder than usual due to extreme weather conditions occurring within Earth’s atmosphere during this timeframe.

Everlasting Storm, Venezuela

The Everlasting Storm is a natural phenomenon that can be seen in Venezuela. It’s caused by the combination of an open low pressure system, cold air masses and warm sea waters. The storm occurs all year round but it is usually very strong during winter time when conditions like the ones mentioned above come together to form one unstoppable storm. The Everlasting Storm usually lasts for several straight days and weeks which means you’ll need to make sure you’re prepared if ever plan on going out while this kind of storm is happening since it can be very dangerous, especially when the wind speeds get so high that they are almost impossible to see through.

Aurora Australis

Aurora Australis is a natural phenomenon that occurs when electrically-charged particles from the sun collide with the Earth’s atmosphere, producing mesmerizing displays of light in different colors. The best time to view this phenomena would be during spring or autumn months between January and March as well as September and October because it coincides with periods where there are more hours of darkness each day.

Green Sand Beaches

The Papkolea beach is a green sand beach in Hawaii. This means that the sands of this shoreline are colored by an abundance of minute particles of olivine crystals, which gives it its distinct emerald color. These grains were formed from lava rocks and cooled over millennia under water before being exposed to air again due to erosion. There are a handful of other green sand beaches around the world as well. The best time to visit these beautiful beaches is during the summer months.

Sun Dogs

A Sun Dog is a natural phenomenon that can be seen when light refracts and reflects in the atmosphere. They appear as bright spots of light on either side or even above the sun, but they’re not actually related to it. These luminous discs are often found during intense weather conditions like rainstorms because water droplets act as prisms which create visual effects much like glass would under different lighting. Sun Dogs also occur naturally when ice crystals form into hexagonal shapes within clouds since this arrangement allows them to bend sunlight toward the observer’s position at an angle much stronger than if these crystals were simply flat plates. This amazing sight has been known to occur in all types of environments where strong winds and low temperatures come together such as Polar Regions.

Fairy Circles

In Namib Desert, there are strange fairy circles that appear in a ring formation. The mystery behind them is still unknown but scientists have suggested many possibilities for their formations such as the vegetation being poisoned by radiation or ants eating plants around themselves to create a gap and protect themselves from predators while they collect water. In Pilbara region of Western Australia, another type of Fairy Circle occurs which looks like orange half-circles instead. They come about when termites pump out large amounts of soil at certain locations to make underground homes within these areas. These mounds form over time resulting in an amazing natural phenomena where patches resemble crop circle imprints.

Underwater Crop Circles

Underwater crop circles are natural phenomena that occur in sand and sediment when turbulent ocean waves stir up the seabed, exposing the circular patterns. These amazing formations have been documented in many countries around the world, but they’re especially common in Australia. Scientists were initially unable to understand how these crop circles were formed however it is now known that these circles are the work of male puffer fish who are trying to invite the female puffer fish for mating.

Permafrost Explosions

Permafrost explosions are a natural phenomenon that occurs when pockets of methane gas, which is produced by decomposing organic material from dead plants and animals trapped in the permafrost explode due to the buildup of pressure. Scientists believe these events may have been occurring for thousands of years but they’ve only recently become more frequent. They’re especially common at higher latitudes where there’s an abundance small lakes and ponds created by melted ice or newer landforms called thermokarst lakes.

Singing Sand

Singing sand is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the Namib Desert of southern Africa. When strong winds are forced through this area, it causes the sand to vibrate which makes small granules rub against each other creating an eerily musical sound. The best time to hear these sounds is during late spring when wind speeds tend to pick up and last well into summer. Scientists believe singing sands may also be found at high elevations where there’s little vegetation or humidity present.

Moeraki Boulders

The Moeraki Boulders are a very important geological site in New Zealand which showcases interesting spherical shaped rocks that look like they’re from another planet. They only occur naturally and it is unknown as to how exactly they formed. The boulders can be found close to the shore of Koekohe Beach between Oamaru and Moeraki on the South Island’s east coast. Visitors shouldn’t try to move them because this could damage their origins but you can take pictures with them or simply observe these amazing natural phenomena.

Brine Lakes

These are lakes that form at the bottom of the ocean. They are known for amazing salt encrusted rocks and the surreal beauty and uniqueness. They are different than regular lakes because they form when ocean water is trapped in pockets where there’s not enough freshwater to mix with the saltwater. Over time this creates an environment that has very high concentrations of salt, leading to amazing formations like the ones shown above. Many of the known marine species cannot exist in such environments.

Square Waves

Square Waves are a type of water wave that is created when the ocean floor or another large object moves. They can also be caused when different weather systems collide. The waves move in an angular fashion with sharp square crests which makes them look distinct from other types of waves. This amazing natural phenomena can be seen around oceans all over the world. It is also believed that they are formed due to submarine landslides caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions occurring below the surface of ocean waters.

Fallstreak Holes

Fallstreak holes are temporary gaps that occur in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds. These phenomena happen when the water temperature in these clouds drops below freezing but there is still a layer of super cold water droplets which exist as liquid even though they are temperatures lower than 0 degrees Celsius. The reason for this phenomenon occurring is due to planes passing through these cloud formations which causes them to trigger an upward movement within the cloud’s formation area, causing some parts of it to evaporate while others remain frozen. . This amazing natural phenomena can be seen all around the world and they look very different from regular clouds because they contain large circular shapes with clear boundaries instead of wispy edges like most other types of clouds.

Steam Eruptions, Iceland

These amazing natural phenomena occur at the Hverir geothermal field in Iceland. Steam and gas emerges from vents which causes them to look like they’re erupting. This is because of volcanic activity that occurs below the surface due to hot magma heating up water beneath ground level, resulting in steam eruptions as it reaches colder temperatures outside of the Earth’s crust. The area has a very high concentration of these types of explosions occurring which make for an incredible sight to behold.

Danxia landforms

Danxia landforms are mountains that are found in China and they’re famous for their spectacular red, pink, yellow and orange tones. It’s not completely understood how these landforms were created. They may have been present since the Jurassic period when dinosaurs roamed the earth but it is believed to be a result of volcanic activity which caused minerals from rocks beneath ground level to become exposed over time due to erosion or other natural phenomena occurring. . These amazing natural formations can also look very different depending on where you view them because there are many different types such as striped Danxia landforms or even ones that contain lakes at their peaks.

Nacreous Clouds

These amazing natural phenomena are also known as Polar Stratospheric Clouds which form at very high altitudes in the Earth’s atmosphere. They can only be seen when it is wintertime in certain places like Canada and Russia where they usually occur between December and March. Nacreous clouds look almost iridescent because of their unique characteristics such as thin wispy edges on their arms with a thicker layer surrounding them. Sometimes they may cast shadows or bring about fog since these types of clouds reflect light from below which causes interesting optical effects to take place. This phenomenon occurs during polar night seasons due to extreme cooling happening within the stratosphere.

Dragon Blood Tree, Yemen

The Dragon Blood Tree is a type of tree that can be found in Yemen and it’s sometimes known as “Dragons’ Blood” because the sap which flows through its bark looks very similar to blood. This amazing natural phenomena occurs when trees are injured or cut down so they bleed out their red sap. The name comes from this incredible characteristic since some parts also look like dried up coagulated blood which makes them resemble even more like regular human bodily fluids such as plasma, making for an incredible sight to behold.

Lenticular Clouds

These amazing natural phenomena occur at high altitudes and they’re also known as Altocumulus Standing Lenticularis. This is because of how these clouds look like a lens which has been rotated to change the angle it’s facing. They can be seen all around the world but are most commonly present in mountainous areas where there is intense air movement happening throughout. These types of cloud formations may not always look very spectacular since they usually contain long streaks or bands with smooth edges instead of wispy ones like other regular clouds do, making them easy to spot due to their unique characteristics. When you view parts that have less contrast against surrounding mountain ridges then this causes for some incredible optical effects such as distorting objects on the horizon line which can look very surreal to behold.

Spotted Lake, Osoyoos

Located in British Columbia, Canada is the stunning Spotted Lake. This lake contains over twenty minerals which give it an incredible appearance with its mesmerizing blue green color. It’s surrounded by string shaped mounds of salts that are separated into different sections where you can see these salt deposits change in size throughout since they’re constantly accumulating or receding depending on precipitation levels and seasonal changes happening at any given time during the year. The shape of this lake looks like a series of circular spots with lines connecting them but what makes for some amazing views are when there are large concentrations of water surrounding certain areas to create larger circles instead, making for very interesting optical effects to view from far away. . When viewing parts without much accumulation then this causes for highly contrasting views where you can see the entire lake and its surrounding areas all at once, which makes for a very breathtaking sight to behold in person.

Columnar Jointing

Columnar jointing is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the cooling process of many lavas. It’s characterized by vertical and sometimes hexagonal shaped joints or cracks, which were formed as lava slowly cooled over time. Scientists believe that the regularity of these shapes are caused by contraction processes in which molten rock cools and solidifies at a uniform rate. This is why columnar jointing often happens when lavas have slow moving flows or thicker viscosities.

Fields of Web

The Fields of Web is a very interesting phenomena that occurs due to the large gathering of spiders in an area, which takes shelter and starts webbing up their shelter. This happens after floods or other natural disasters where there’s plenty of water for them to sustain themselves on. They don’t cause any harm since they’re not poisonous but what’s really amazing about this phenomenon is how it looks like extremely tall grass covered with spider webs all over, which makes for some incredible optical effects if you view parts without much accumulation from far away. When viewing those sections with lots more accumulated then this causes highly contrasting views as well because sections without accumulations look nothing short of being completely white while others have enough buildup to cover entire fields so you can barely see through it. This makes for a very surreal sight to behold in person.

White Rainbow

When there’s a multilayered cloud cover and precipitation due to mist or dewfall occurs below it then this makes for some incredible displays of nature. And white rainbows are one of those beautiful sights. White rainbows are usually formed in foggy areas. They are formed when sunlight falls on water droplets that are present in the fog. This phenomenon can be witnessed across the world, especially during winters.

Underwater River

An Underwater River occurs when you have a current at around the same speed as the ocean tide which causes it to flow in reverse from what’s normal, causing for some incredible sights beneath the surface of water because this happens near coasts where there are large bodies of water surrounding an area. When waves move forward instead of backward then this can cause currents that may be too strong for swimmers or boats to navigate through but if these movements happen slowly enough then this allows time for sea life and other objects on seabed underneath to get pushed away while sediment is being swept up off them, revealing beautiful natural landscapes. This makes underwater rivers one of those rare phenomena since they don’t occur all too often so not many people know about them compared to other natural wonders.

Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree

Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees are native to tropical regions of South East Asia. They belong to the genus eucalyptus which is part of the myrtle family Myrtaceae. The Rainbow eucalyptus tree can grow up to a height of about 40 meters or 131 feet tall with its trunk being able to measure in at around one meter or three feet thick when fully grown. Its bark tends to be very unique in color. It tends to be grayish-brown in color while young shoots are green colored instead but they become orange-red when mature enough for harvesting. The leaves on this tree appear like large blades that branch out into seven segments each, giving them their distinct appearance. This makes it easy for others nearby who aren’t familiar with this tree to tell what it is just by looking at the unique features of the tree.

Sailing Stones

Sailing stones are another phenomenal natural phenomena that has been observed on the playas of Death Valley. These rocks weigh up to hundreds of pounds and travel great distances without any human intervention. Scientists believe this occurs due to strong winds blowing off portions of lakebed which creates enough force for these large pieces of rock to be pushed across smooth surfaces until they come into contact with something like vegetation or other obstacles where they’re forced to stop moving.

Striped Icebergs, Antarctica

Striped Icebergs are some of the most incredible natural phenomena on Earth due to their unique appearance. They can range in size depending on how long they’ve been floating around for and where they come from but despite this fact, these icebergs always seem to stand out with their white bodies being contrasted by blue lines that run down through them vertically. These stripes allow scientists to determine whether or not an iceberg is new or old so it’s easier for them to track its movements as well since knowing more about what happens over time helps us better understand why certain things occur naturally. In addition, seeing a striped iceberg makes for one of those surreal sights you just have to see firsthand at least once in your lifetime because who knows when we’ll ever be able to see one again after they’ve melted away.

Sky Mirror

Sky mirror is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the sun reflects off of water, producing an optical illusion in which it appears as if we’re looking up at the sky. These amazing illusions often look like inverted rainbows and can be found almost anywhere where there’s water and clear skies. According to scientists, these phenomena are caused by sunlight hitting tiny waves on top of large bodies of water such as lakes or oceans. The best time(s) for viewing this phenomenon vary depending on your location but generally happen during the day whenever you find calm waters with clear sky.


Maelstroms are a form of whirlpools that can be found in different bodies of water. They are a natural phenomenon that you can view from many different locations. You can watch Maelstroms in large water bodies in your home town, but there is nothing quite intense like going to the ocean and watching them occur first hand. Just make sure if you’re going out on a boat that it’s safe since they have been known to cause problems for ships over time as well.

Supercell Storms

Supercell Storms are some of the most incredible phenomena on Earth. In fact, they can get so strong that there have been reports from people who were close by when one occurred and stated their homes were destroyed because of this storms intensity. That being said, you’ll need to make sure you’re tethered down well before a storm occurs since many say these types of storms come without any warning at all. This means it’s important for everyone in the area to take precautions just in case something like this does happen while no one is expecting it or has time to react appropriately which could cause issues later on if someone gets injured or killed due to not having enough time or resources available during an unexpected Supercell storm.

Hair Ice

Hair ice is one of the most interesting natural phenomena on Earth. It’s a type of hoarfrost that can be formed in cold climates and over barks and twigs usually during winter but also at other times depending on weather conditions which makes it extremely hard to predict when you’ll actually get a chance to see this phenomenon. Scientists have been studying these types of frost patterns for years because they are so unique.

Blue Volcano Ethiopia

Blue Volcano is one of the most interesting volcanos in Ethiopia. It’s blue because it contains a mineral called Sillenite, which gives off different colors when exposed to light depending on how thin or thick it is. This means that if you see Blue Volcano from far away then up close, its color will be completely different due to the way sunlight reflects onto its surface and interacts with this particular mineral differently than others. Seeing something like this for yourself would really help you understand just what makes these types of phenomena so unique since they are still being studied by scientists today who want to learn more about why things occur naturally around us all over time.

Turquoise Ice

Turquoise Ice is a rare phenomenon that you can only find in certain parts of the world so it’s important for people to take advantage and see this incredible natural occurrence while they have the chance. This phenomenon usually happens at Lake Bilakal in Russia. The lake is known for its freshwater and is one of UNESCO’s World heritage sites. The high percentage of freshwater is the reason for the ice to be turquoise. In addition, seeing something like this up close would be one of those surreal sights you just need to see at least once in your lifetime because who knows when we’ll ever get another chance to add things like this into our memories collection since it will probably melt away over time as well.

Miracle Sea Road

The Miracle Sea Road is an incredible natural phenomena where portions of oceans recede at various times throughout the year which creates passageways between islands within South Korean waters. These passages only remain dry for short periods of time before being flooded by incoming tides so visitors have to take care not to get caught out there too long risk drowning if the water rises quickly. This phenomenon has been known to attract many visitors and the locals celebrate every time the road appears.

Great Blue Hole

The Great Blue Hole is located in Belize. It’s an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Ambergris Caye which means it can only be accessed by boat. The hole was formed during past ice ages, when sea levels were much lower than they are today and this area was dry ground that eventually sunk into what we know as a blue hole now thanks to ocean currents eroding away at its limestone base over time until all you see below you is nothing but deep dark water with tons of aquatic life swimming around making for some breathtaking views if ever given the opportunity to dive down there yourself since most people would never get the chance otherwise.


The Pororoca is a phenomena that occurs in the Amazon. It’s an extremely powerful tidal bore which means it usually happens during springtime when water levels are high and wind speeds are low, causing this huge wave to appear along the coast. The name Pororoca comes from a native Indian language meaning “great destructive noise” because you can hear these waves crashing onto shore long before they get close enough for people who live nearby to see them since its so far out at sea where all of this action begins. Seeing something like this up close would definitely be one of those unforgettable experiences that really helps you understand just how unique our world truly is, even if we’ve never seen anything quite like it ourselves before now.

The Eye of the Sahara

The Eye of the Sahara is located in Mauritania. It’s not actually a real eye but rather an ancient meteorite crater that was formed when a large piece of space debris crashed into earth at high speeds millions of years ago leaving behind nothing more than this huge circular hole filled with pristine blue water and surrounded by bright red sand dunes. This beautiful site is one you can’t afford to miss seeing for yourself since it will probably be quite some time before we get another chance again, if ever given how scarce these types of natural phenomena are.

Living Rocks


Yes you read that correctly. In many parts of the world, you can find living organisms that look exactly like a rock but they actually breathe and reproduce. Like rocks, they can be found in different shapes, sizes and colors. So next time you kick a rock, be careful you never know you might be kicking a living creature.

Forest Of Knives

The forest of knives is a unique area located in Madagascar. It’s a natural phenomenon created due to erosion. Scientists believe that the Tallow tree which grows along river banks causes erosion that eventually produces vertical rock shape formations in the shape of knives. It is one of the most visited places in Madagascar.
